Hi and welcome to my blog which tracks the research, planning and pre-production work for a new music video for Daft Punk's Around the World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you are looking for!

Our Track: Daft Punk - 'Around The World'

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Pitch Idea: CKY - Escape From Hellview

My idea for the pitch is going to include performance footage and narrative relating to the songs lyrics. The narrative will start out with a man trapped in an empty room looking for a route of escape, the sequence will include lots of close up shots as well as multi layering effects and some colour distortion to emphasise the paranoia and panic. This short film for the game Portal is good example of a similar effect. 

The guy will escape out onto the street we could film in an area which doesn't have to be where the room is for this scene. We would need to find a large menacing looking building to film by. He will be walking along the streets which will be seemingly empty as well as cutting between CCTV style footage of him being watched similar to last years coursework from a high angle to emphasise vunrebility. He will be constantly looking behind as if he's being followed by someone. 

The end of the video will feature a chase scene, however it will turn out there isn't actually anybody following him and it's all in his head. The style of the band members will be similar to that of the actual band with casual clothing: jeans and t-shirts. The character in the film will have a similar appearance but with a dark hoodie and a more dirty ragged look due to being trapped. Some of the limitations of making these video would be acting and finding a convincing lacation. It would be hard to make the idea look realistic without a decent actor. Also the main way to keep the audience engaged would be to have interesting locations.

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