Hi and welcome to my blog which tracks the research, planning and pre-production work for a new music video for Daft Punk's Around the World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you are looking for!

Our Track: Daft Punk - 'Around The World'

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Eg: Video 4: Ok Go - Needing/Getting Video Analysis

Artist: Ok Go
Song: Needing/Getting
Director: Brian L. Perkins
Genre: Alternative Rock
Year: 2009

This video from Ok Go is another one of their popular videos. It features the band driving in a car over two miles of road using over 1000 instruments. It's a very unique style of performance the video doesn't have any narrative however the it's very well done and very inventive and catchy. It has high re play value due to the interesting way it's made. It features all diegetic sound played by the car driving down the road striking instruments as it goes past. There is performance footage from inside the car as the singer is driving. The video was endorsed by Chevrolet to provide the car featured in the video customized with various microphones attached to it.  

The idea for the video was inspired by the Rube Goldberg video version of "This Too Shall Pass"; in that video, some of the props of the Rube Goldberg machine had played a melody in time with the music. The lead singer was trained in stunt driving to be able to do the video whilst singing at the same time. Overall it's a very creative video and takes the idea of things in the video featuring in the song to a whole new level. 

Without any narrative it would be hard to keep the audiences interest however I believe this video has great repeat viewing appeal and we could use some of these ideas within our own coursework. Ok Go the band themselves have made lots of famous music videos including 'here it goes again' and 'this too shall pass' as mentioned earlier.

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