Hi and welcome to my blog which tracks the research, planning and pre-production work for a new music video for Daft Punk's Around the World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you are looking for!

Our Track: Daft Punk - 'Around The World'

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Issues with song selection

There are certain things you have to consider when choosing your song for A2 coursework. Things which will either lose you marks or that will offend certain people.

 First of all it is important your song contains little or no swearing as you will have to bleep out and offensive words your song might contain. Also racial or homophobic slang will offend people so it's important your song dosen't contain any offensive lyrics. Also things within the video itself like nudity, drug use and alcohol consumption should be restricted, however it depends on the audience you are targeting and what's age appropriate. The length of the song is also an important factor to consider. 

If you song is too short you may drop marks and will not have enough time to fully develop a narrative. If a song is too long you will have too   much footage to get as most music video often have around 20 shots for every 30 seconds of song. It is also important that your song genre ties in with the narrative and that the narrative appeals to your target audience. The last thing to take into account is copyright issues. The exam board states however that as long as you ask the record label for permission to use the song, you can use whatever song you like.

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